Thursday, August 31, 2017

intro to my blog

My name is Tyler Dyson and this is my blog. My blogs topic is going to be about All-Star Cheerleading and the fundamentals of the sport, how to stay in shape, exercises to stay toned, and most importantly, the big day..... Comp day! I started Cheerleading about 4 years ago in the beginning of 2015. I never really had much interest in the spot other than the tumbling aspect. Being a male cheerleader the sport was a little different for myself compared to the females in the sport. Once I got started it became easier and easier every practice. When I first joined the, I was a temporary filling for the end of the season. After being on the team for a couple of months I realized what I thought the sport was all about. For me the sport is about teamwork, hard work, dedication, making friends, and the overall experience. When my team won our first competition, all I can remember how excited my team was and the joy that came along with the 1st place title. At that moment I knew why I kept pushing  in practice and in tumbling classes. All of the hard work I put in was definitely worth it.
I spend a lot of time watching videos, listening to coaches comments, and reading about cheerleading, so that is where some of my information is going to be coming from. The rest of my information is going to be coming from what I've experienced and what I've been through and how I trained to get to where I am today. Hopefully this blog helps those who are seeking additional information about the sport because that is what I plan on doing here!
The 4 topics I will be posting about are getting prepared for you next/ first competition, things that will help you preform better, stronger, and sharper, the proper exercises and activities to stay in shape throughout the year, and some tumbling techniques and drills to help improve your tumbling's overall appearance.
Please feel free to leave a comment below any of my post if you have something you'd like to share. I want to hear what you guy think about my post and tips I'll be giving you throughout my blog. So please don't be nervous and share your thoughts with me!

Getting ready for my first performance on a level 5

Am I ready for my shocase? So my showcase for my team is about 2 weeks away from October 15th and I'm beyond excited!😁😁😁...